
Finance Within Minutes

Author: Ayush Bangera

  • What are Credit Rating Agencies and Why are they Important?

    What are Credit Rating Agencies and Why are they Important?

    It’s just the third month of the year 2020 and there are already enough news that took the markets on an extreme roller coaster ride. From Iran vs USA (the WW3 memes) to Coronavirus Outbreak, markets have been thrilling. On this day, i.e 20/03/2020, almost everyone’s portfolio or stock holdings are in negative. Some people…

  • How to inculcate the habit of Saving?

    How to inculcate the habit of Saving?

    The first step towards investing is saving. One cannot start to invest if he doesn’t have funds. When you earn, you would most probably make a plan about how you carry on your investments. But at the end of the month, you remain empty-handed since what you had planned earlier, couldn’t get executed properly due…

  • Stock Broker v/s Agent : The Difference

    Stock Broker v/s Agent : The Difference

    You have heard about the above two terms. They are very common. Since they are linked to each other, people often get confused between the two. Here is my take on the difference between both of them. The highlight:All brokers are agent but not all agents are brokers. AgentBeing an agent is a universal concept….

  • The Process of Buying and Selling Shares

    The Process of Buying and Selling Shares

    When you place an order on your broker’s trading platform, your transaction is completed within seconds and the shares are debited/credited accordingly. But ever thought about what happens on the back end? Here is the process of how the transaction is completed, explained in simple words. There are 5 steps that occur during a transaction:…

  • How do Stocks give you returns?

    How do Stocks give you returns?

    Everyone who enters into the stock market comes with only one motive in mind: To earn a decent amount of income/returns that is above normal bank returns. Some want to make quick money while some want to be patient and see their money grow over a period of time. As a beginner, one would be…

  • The Art of Pump and Dump

    The Art of Pump and Dump

    Ever realised when you see a stock, which is not showing any volatility, then suddenly sees a boom in the price over a short period of time. The stock touches its peak rapidly and falls with the same speed. It is not possible for retail investors to create such to hypes. But a group of…

  • 3 Basic Points to Look Out for Passive Traders while Trading

    3 Basic Points to Look Out for Passive Traders while Trading

    Passive traders are those traders who do not follow-up with charts daily or for a couple of days. They might be students or working professionals with non-finance jobs. Keeping an eye on the price movement of stocks takes a good amount of time. Swing trading can be easily done with mostly positive results if a…

  • How to secure yourself while making Digital Payments?

    How to secure yourself while making Digital Payments?

    Digital Payments have seen a surge since the demonetisation took place in 2016. In September 2019, it was reported that the total UPI transactions made till date stood at 91.83 crore. With growing popularity among people and easy to use interface, Digital Payments will soon takeover the traditional way of making payments(via cheques, cash, etc.)….

  • How to make a Virtual Stock Portfolio (in Google Docs)?

    For everyone who invests their money in stocks, needs to track them on regular basis. It’s not like, you park your money and forget about it. Traders and Investors who have demat accounts, can easily track their portfolios online via their broker’s website. But for those who are students or do not have an account…

  • Weekly Stock Picks #1

    Here is the list of my 5 stocks for weekly trading.Disclaimer: I can just give an overview of stocks based on charts and trends supported by local news. As I am still learning a lot of new aspects in trading and investing, hence please don’t completely rely on these picks. However, if you like my…

  • What are Mutual Funds?

    Mutual Funds sahi hai.Mutual Funds are subject to market risks. Please read all documents carefully before investing. We have often read/heard about mutual funds on advertisements or by someone. But many people don’t know exactly what mutual funds are or how they work. So here is my explanation of what mutual funds are. For any…

  • Summer Dressings

    Summer Dressings

    Nunc facilisis diam velit, non facilisis justo lobortis ac. Etiam ante tortor, consequat vel felis id, blandit finibus magna. Curabitur vel urna id tortor ullamcorper molestie. Donec accumsan, sapien nec consectetur varius, nisl nibh maximus diam, non vulputate diam dolor at nunc. Suspendisse pulvinar, ante a tempor volutpat, ligula tellus pharetra libero, ac porttitor tortor…