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Education System & Employment-An Imbalanced Equation (Problem Area Identified)

My Dear Students,

The time has come wherein you as students need to evaluate and introspect as to are you on the right path to achieve you goals? Goals related to doing well in life, getting a good job, earning reasonable money and feeling happy about life. Answer to this question will invariably be, “No idea Sir, I am confused” or “I will score good marks in Third Year, will get a job and then move ahead in life on goal achievement”. Trust me friends, these answers have not changed over a period of time. Even when I was in the final year of my graduation in the year 1992-93, I had similar things in my mind. But remember, days have changed from 1993 to 2021. Economy is not the same, job market is not the same, skill set required to get a job is not the same. The only thing that is constant during last 30 odd years is the education system, wherein your intelligence and ability is decided by your grades & marks.

So, let’s ponder over these three points:  Education, Knowledge and Employability.

Trust me, the current education system will give you basic knowledge but it will NOT train you for a corporate entry. The main and probably the only reason is that, what you learn in the college is not applied in the corporate world and what corporate world expects from youngsters like you, is generally not taught in the colleges. So, the obvious question you will ask me is “Sir, then what we are learning in the college is of no use to us”? The answer is, “It has limited use”. The current education system will give you basic knowledge about the subject, but honestly, it will not train you for the corporate application.

Knowledge is the most important asset that you all must possess for sustaining in the corporate world. Your degrees & grades will have limited importance as far as your survival is concerned.

Another valuable virtue that you all should inculcate is positive attitude and “never give up” approach. This plays a crucial role with respect to your survival in the corporate world.

I have seen days wherein we moved from Manual accounting to Tally accounting to SAP, and now industry is already on SAP HANA (High Performance Analytic Appliance) and now closing-in towards Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine learning (ML). Hence, you all need to equip yourself with these latest happenings. Entry level jobs shall be performed by AI & ML, so you must move out of your comfort zone and start working on upgrading your skill set.

Please don’t get demoralized after reading all this. Remember every problem has a solution.

Therefore, I will be giving you all an implementable action plan in the next article which will help you in shaping up your career and make you employable.

Stay connected…

Thanks & Regards,

CMA Sarvottam Rege
M.Com., FCMA (India), CMA-USA

Mentor, Corporate Consultant & Academician with Industry Oriented Approach
CMA Membership No.: 19018 (India), 7110039 (USA)

Member of Institute of Directors (IOD) (Membership No.: 200103)

Contact No.: +91 8452848028 / 9892605240
Email: [email protected]


  1. The view mentioned above are Author’s personal views and has no connection with the institutions he is associated with.
  2. The author has 22 years of Industry experience & 11 years of Teaching experience.

2 responses to “Education System & Employment-An Imbalanced Equation (Problem Area Identified)”

  1. Karan Kathiyawadi Avatar
    Karan Kathiyawadi

    Sir, how am i able to know that the AI is going to affect me. Actually i am working in a CA firm, so how AI is going to affect me and what should i do to secure my job.

    1. Sarvottam Rege Avatar
      Sarvottam Rege

      Keep your concepts clear and try and learn the new technology.

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